
National Elementary Honor Society

National Elementary Honor Society Logo

How Students Become Members

Students who excel academically and model exceptional responsibility can become members through a local selection process that concludes with induction into the school's National Elementary Honor Society chapter.

Eligibility Requirements

The purpose of the Orlo Vista chapter of the NEHS shall be to create an enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership and citizenship, and to encourage the development of character for select fourth and fifth grade students.

A minimum GPA of 3.8 (all As and one B) and all S’s or O’s is required to maintain membership. The third and fourth marking period of the previous year will be used to determine initial eligibility. The requirement must be maintained throughout the year.

Our first meeting will be August 30. We will also meet September 6 to select officers. After that, we will meet on the third Thursday of each month, beginning October 13. The induction ceremony will take place October 13. Students will be required to attend monthly meetings, complete one hour of community service monthly, as well as produce a rewarding project that will be presented at each curriculum/family night.

Understanding the Obligations of Membership

Students who accept membership and are inducted into the chapter should be aware of the time and commitment involved with this honor. For example, there may be chapter meetings. The chapter bylaws should articulate the yearly meeting schedule and member attendance obligations. Members also must participate in chapter service projects to benefit the school and community.

Students who qualify for membership into the National Elementary Honor Society will be notified by the chapter sponsor.

​Transferring Membership

Moving to a new school? NEHS membership is transferable from one active NEHS chapter to another.

Your student needs to simply get a letter from your current school's principal or chapter adviser verifying membership. Be sure your student notifies his or her new school of NEHS membership within 30 days of enrollment.

Your student will be automatically granted membership in a school with an active chapter, but will need to meet the eligibility requirements of his or her new school within a reasonable period of time, usually one semester, to maintain membership. The new school may have a higher cumulative GPA required for membership, for example.