Attendance Policy and Procedures


State law requires that written excuses stating the nature of the student’s absence be submitted when a student returns to school. All excuses are to include the date, reason for absence, and need to be signed by the parent/ guardian. This information is necessary to minimize the possibility of spreading contagious diseases. In certain instances, a doctor’s release may be required before returning to school.

The Attendance Policy is based on Florida law and requires that when a student accumulates five (5) unexcused absences, the parent/guardian will be notified. When the student accumulates ten (10) unexcused absences, the school must report the student to the social worker. When the student accumulates fifteen (15) days of unexcused absences the student will be reported as a habitual truant.

Absences shall be excused for the following reasons:

  1. Illness or injury to the student.
  2. Illness or death of a member of the student’s immediate family.
  3. Recognized or established religious holidays and/or religious instruction.
  4. Medical appointments. (If possible, please schedule late in the day)
  5. Participation in an approved activity or class of instruction held at another site.
  6. Head lice infestation (up to four days) during the school year.


Students who arrive at school after 8:45 a.m. must report to the school office accompanied by an adult and get a tardy slip for admission to class. Repeated unexcused tardies will be reported to the Attendance Office of Orange County Public Schools. Dentist and doctor appointments are excused tardies, please bring verification of the appointment.