
Mr. London, Art Instructor

Classroom Expectations

  • Respect yourself
  • Respect others
  • Respect the school

Orlo Vista WAVE

  • Well Prepared
  • Always Safe
  • Value Respect
  • Eager to Lear

Art Class Points

  • Entrance--walk in, find your seat, sit ready
  • Directions--listen and learn
  • Work Time--try your best, share
  • Clean up--put away what you used
  • Line up--walk, stand in a quiet, straight line

Classes can earn up to 5 points each for art class. Every 9 weeks near report card time, the class with the most points in each grade level earns a free paint day.

Elements of Art

In order to bake a cake, many different ingredients are needed. Each ingredient is important, and too much or too little of one ingredient will sacrifice the taste of the cake. For all different kinds of desserts, different amounts of different ingredients are needed.

The same concept can be applied to Art. Using different amounts and varieties of the Art Elements creates rich, diverse artwork. The artist decides how to use the Elements in order to create meaning.


Primary: Red, Yellow, Blue

Secondary: Orange, Green, Violet

Tertiary: Red-Orange, Orange-Yellow, Yellow-Green, Green-Blue, Blue-Violet, Violet-Red

Warm: Red, Orange, Yellow

Cool: Blue, Green, Violet

Neutral: Earth tones, Brown, Gray, Tan

Complementary colors: Red & Green, Blue & Orange, Yellow & Violet

Line: Actual lines, implied lines, contour lines, straight, curved, thin, thick, broken, calm, active, vertical, horizontal, diagonal

Shape: 2-dimensional, flat, closed, geometric, organic (free-form)

Texture: Real or implied, how the artwork feels or looks like it would feel

Form: 3-dimensional, sculpture, real or implied

Space: Positive space, negative space, foreground, midground, background, overlapping, height, width, depth, perspective

Principles of Design

Use the Elements of Art to create the Principles of Design!

Movement: gives the feeling of action and to guide the viewer's eyes throughout the artwork

Unity (Harmony): the quality of wholeness, arrangement of elements and principles to create a feeling of completeness

Variety: quality of having different forms or types

Balance: arranging elements so that no part of a work overpowers, or seems heavier than any other part, symmetrical or asymmetrical

Emphasis: points of interest to pull the viewer's eye to important parts of the work

Contrast: difference and diversity in an artwork, something interesting to break repetitions

Proportion: relation of one part to another or to the whole

Rhythm, Repetition, Pattern: showing consistency with colors or lines

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